Product ID Patti

Patti Odor Lowe

Patti Odor-Lowe – Maintenance Supervisor.
Patti and I met many years ago through a mutual friend at an art convention. This gal made me laugh for seven days until my sides hurt so bad that I could hardly breathe. The only thing about this masked portrait is that you can’t see her mischievous smile! Patti has the best sense of humor and that’s needed as she works to make sure the resident’s facility where she’s employed is in tiptop shape!
Patti is multi-talented in many areas. She’s a fabulous artist and not only can she work those paints and brushes - she can build, maintain and repair just about anything.
In her dedication to her job, residents and other staff members, she puts in practice infection control policies and procedures of the department and community. Her ability to effectively communicate with patients, families, and staff is beneficial during the care and housing of residents that could be exposed to Covid-19. 
This masked portrait is dedicated to my friend Patti.
Faber-Castell Polychromos colored pencils, Pitt Pastel pencils and PanPastels on Sennelier LaCarte Pastel Card.